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Hip Pain

Hip Pain

Hip pain, one of the common symptoms patients complain of, may not always be felt precisely over the hip joint. Pain may be felt in and around the hip joint and the cause for pain is multifactorial. The exact position of your hip pain suggests the probable cause or underlying condition causing pain. Pain felt inside the hip joint or your groin area is more likely to be because of the problems within the hip joint. Likewise, the pain felt on the outer side of your hip, upper thigh or buttocks may be a result of the problems of the muscles, ligaments, tendons and soft tissues surrounding the hip joint. However, certain disease conditions affecting other parts of your body such as lower back or knees also cause hip pain.

A common cause of hip pain is osteoarthritis of the hip, which can be evaluated by exam and additional imaging studies. Several nonsurgical options exist to lessen the burden of hip pain, and improve quality of life. A sudden cause of hip pain may be related to fracture, which would require imaging to rule out, and may require surgery. Your Physician will discuss treatment options at the time of your visit.